NetExec Downloads

Requirements:Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, 2 MB free disk space
Note: The current version does not run on Vista
Status:NetExec is shareware and expires after 60 days. Updates are free for registered users. For details about pricing and licensing please view the NetExec license agreement or over a secure connection.
Language:Multilingual: German and English versions of user interface and documentation (help file).
Stable Version
Miscellanelous Downloads
598 KB NetExec V2.x: In the rare situation that you run into a problem with MFC42u.dll you should download this file (V6.0.8665.0) and install it. (This installs the UNICODE version of MFC 4.2 which is needed for NetExec V2.0 and above).
598 KB NetExec V1.61: In the rare situation that you run into a problem with MFC42.dll you should download this file (V6.0.8665.0) and install it. (This installs the MBCS version of MFC 4.2 which is needed for NetExec V1.61 and below).
All Versions
824 KB NetExec 2.1 fixes a installation problem on Windows XP ServicePack 2 systems running on Athlon64 or Opteron CPUs and offers better user setting support. New in NetExec V2.1
749 KB NetExec V2.0 has been completely redesigned to support UNICODE and offers a lot of new options like logon scripts, mapping of home drives and session-specific DOS devices.
576 KB NetExec 1.61 adds a new MD5 checksum feature to CustomClient-Creator and contains a workaround for a bug in Windows 2000 SP3 which causes problems if running 16 bit applications with extended group memberships.
558 KB NetExec 1.6 brings some improvements to the GUI of LocalExec and Deskman, like spash-screens on desktop switch and auto-completion for file paths.
541 KB NetExec 1.51a fixes the "Api Error 0x6: Invalid Handle" problem that occurs on some versions of Windows 2000 Terminal Server if running a CustomClient inside a Terminal Server session.
488 KB NetExec 1.51 brings a lot of new features for CustomClient-Creator like editable CustomClients and a command line interface to automate client creation and modification processes.
458 KB NetExec 1.5 has been extended for Windows XP and Windows 2000 Terminal Server and contains an improved version of CustomClient-Creator.
462 KB NetExec 1.45 brings some exciting new features and improvements like a new online help system, temporary group memberships, better user interface and more.
355 KB Fixes the Taskbar problem that occurs on Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 with Active Desktop after closing a desktop session.
355 KB Fixes some minor bugs and contains workarounds for bugs in Windows 2000.
355 KB Fixes a bug in the command line parser of the Desktop-Manager in NetExec V1.33
359 KB The Desktop-Manager now saves and remembers frequently used desktop configurations.
350 KB Adds a feature to use LocalExec and CustomClients synchroniously, which is very useful for using NetExec in batch files.
350 KB First version that supports Windows 2000. Contains lots of new features like shell integration, command line interface for Desktop-Manager and more.
297 KB Adds support for roaming profiles. This is the first "really usable" version of NetExec.
180 KB Here the story of NetExec began :-)